
Psychosocial Development

Page history last edited by Debra Lee 15 years, 7 months ago

Psychosocial Development


Major Theorist

Erik Erikson 


Erikson's Stages or Psychological Development
Approximate Age Stage Potential Strenght to be Gained Description
0-1 I. Basic trust v. mistrust Hope The infant must form a first, loving, trusting relationship with the caregiver or risk a persisting sense of mistrust.
2-3 II. Autonomy v. shame and doubt Will The child's energies are directed toward the development of key physical skills, including walking, grasping, and sphincter control. The child learns control but may develop shame if not handled properly.
4-5 III. Initiative v. guilt Purpose The child continues to become more assertive and take more initiative, but may be too forceful and injure others or objects, which leads to guilt.
6-12 IV. Industry v. inferiority Competence The school-aged child must deal with the demands to learn new, complex skills or risk a sense of inferiority.
13-18 V. Identity v. role confusion Fidelity The teenager (or young adult) must achieve a sense of identity--both who he or she is and what he or she will be--in several areas, including occupation, gender role, politics, and religion.
19-25 VI. Intimacy v. isolation Love The young adult must risk the immersion of self in a sense of "we," creating one or more truly intimate relationships, or suffer feelings of isolation.
25-65 VII. Generativity v. self-absorption and stagnation Care In early and middle adulthood, each adult must find some way to satisfy the need to be generative, to support the next generation or turn outward from the self toward others.
65+ VIII. Ego integrity v. despair Wisdom If all previous stages have been dealt with reasonably well, the culmination is an acceptance of one-self as one is.
Taken from Bjorklund & Bee, 2008


























































Bjorklund, B. R. & Bee, H. L. (2008). The Journey of Adulthood, 6th ed., Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.


Web Links


     A brief summary of Erikson's stages


     A site created for use by students in a psych course. An example of how not to create a site that you want to protect for course use only.           Remember to password protect sites intended for course use.


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