
About Me

Page history last edited by Debra Lee 15 years, 7 months ago

Debra Lee, 2009 (age 54)


Debra S. Lee is a PhD student and Graduate Teaching Assistant in Instructional Technology at the University of Tennessee, currently involved in the design, development, and teaching of courses in the WebIT M.S. program in Instructional Technology at the University of Tennessee. She has been designing and teaching online courses for working adults and university students in synchronous and asynchronous formats since 2002. One of her most extensive online projects involved coordination of a twelve-nation team to create an online multimedia English language program for law students in Europe. Additionally, she is currently involved in two additional online projects: (1) training for English for Specific Purposes teachers for the U.S. Department of State, and (2) teaching legal English to attorneys in Latin America via Centra and Moodle for Georgetown Law Continuing Legal Education and Lex Mercator. She is co-author of American Legal English: Using Language in Legal Contexts, 2nd ed. (University of Michigan Press, 2007).   


Her research interests include collaboration in online learning environments, facilitation in distance education courses, use of video for learning, best practices for development of online courses, and best practices in modification of face-to-face courses for the online environment.


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